Mayta Pinard

Personal Information


Mayta Pinard is the Marketing Director for Acropolis Telecom, a French Telecom operator and Internet Service Provider founded in 2001. Acropolis is a leader in the Small and Medium sized Enterprise (SME) market segment, and specializes in Voice over IP and Cloud Computing. Mayta joined the company at a crucial turning point. Her initial mission was to build the company's brand as well as to define and implement its strategic and operational marketing plan. Today, Mayta is part of the Directors' Committee and oversees all aspects of the company's marketing and communication efforts. Prior to Acropolis Telecom, Mayta had developed the event marketing and PR services as the PR and Marketing Manager for Simon Pearce, a Vermont-based luxury tabletop manufacturer. She managed the Event Marketing for the company's 12 retail stores and its e-store and developed a network of editors from renowned home magazines and movie stylists, which resulted in numerous product placements. Mayta holds a bachelor's degree in International Business and Management from Northeastern University and a "Diplome d'Etudes Supérieures Européennes de Management" from Reims Management School in France.

Name of Business / Organization
Acropolis Telecom


Paris 00000
United States
47° 49' 22.2204" N, 1° 9' 52.7328" E


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13 years 37 weeks

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