Adams, Patch


Patch Adams M.D.

Contributed by Patch Adams M.D. on April 2, 2004.

Patch Adams created the only model for addressing all the problems of healthcare delivery in one model.
More information can be found on his website.

Patch Adams' questions submitted to QuestionsForLiving:

  1. How can we prevent our extinction?
  2. When/how will a school teacher get higher pay than athletes?

Patch Adams' questions as they appear on Patch Adams:

  1. If no one wants to end up in a nursing home, what kind of community can celebrate all ages together and honor elders?
  2. Could you choose at least one child you're not related to and give them the time and care they need?
  3. If compassion and generosity were the measure of success that money and power are now, how would your life change?
  4. In order to bond your neighborhood in healthy interdependence you would need to host weekly potlucks. Would you?
  5. If being publicly joyful, even silly, were beneficial for our society, would you participate?
  6. If you have rooms at your home, why not take in single parents as a gift?
  7. How can we move to an economics of friendship?
  8. Could you do ten or more volunteer hours each week to make a healthier world?
  9. Do you dare to be universally friendly to end violence?
  10. Can you match the cost of everything you buy with a donation to an environmental sustainability project?


Patch Adams, M.D. can be contacted at the:


Patch Adams- QFL

Jodi O'Donnell-Ames's picture

Wow.  Such amazing questions to ask and many are ones which I live by.  Thank you Mr. Adams for years of compassion, servitude and joy- all are greatly needed in this world! You have made such a difference and continue to do so.  Namaste!


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